Thursday 26 July 2012

seven things - august edition

So, somewhere around a month ago I joined in with Louise's 7 things for 7 days. My intial post was here, and I detailed seven things that I wanted to achieve. If you want to read more about it, here's Louise's post for this month :)

A quick update on my aims for July

Learn - I wanted to get myself back into an old routine of teaching myself Swedish. I'm pleased to report that not only have I done this, but I've really made progress (woo!) - see the post before this  for more details if you're a language geek yourself.

Be helpful - I wanted to help my grandma out more, but at the time I was extremely limited due to the awful weather. About two weeks ago, my cousin George and I went up and spent our afternoon knee deep in ivy that had been growing all over her garage. Fun stuff. And George, you'll be pleased to know that whipping me in the face with tree bits hasn't had any lasting damage...

Organise - I wanted to sort out and bin all of my unwanted college paperwork. There's nothing else to say about this except for that I got it done.

Finances - I wanted to sort out what I owed my parents following college prom and budget a bit more. I was actually fairly successful at this and managed a whole month with virtually no money at all.

Socialise - I wanted to make at least one plan to see a friend. I went to Sophie's one evening and we puppysat her new puppy Columbus and had a nice catch up :)

Presents - I also wanted to sort out Sophie's birthday present. This got done although I still think I could have done a better job. Hmm.

General admin - From what I listed, I managed to send an email that I'd been meaning to send, sort out the memory on my phone and attempted to organise my blog a bit more. I still need to back up all of the files on my laptop.

This month's seven things

Relax - July was strangely stressful. Even though I currently have absolutely no responsibilities, I was stressed because I'm so used to having things to do. This month I want to properly appreciate what being responsibility-free means for the last time before uni and 'growing up' etc.

Wardrobe - My wardrobe seriously needs sorting through and organising. I've run out of hangers and there are items in there that have been in there for about five years (not good). Now I've finished college, I want to get rid of some of the items that I never wear anymore so that I have room for new clothes in the autumn/winter time.

Write - I had huge ambitions to write more this summer. I used to love writing (both on my blog and creatively) but GCSEs got in the way, then college got in the way, and now I feel like I have no inspiration or writing ability anymore. I want to try and get back into writing a bit more before it's too late.

Let go - A bit of a deep one, but before starting uni there's a lot of emotional 'baggage' that I really want to let go of and move on from. That's all I'm going to say, but if you know me you might have an idea of what I mean.

Create - I also used to make jewellery a lot and it's one of the few things I thoroughly enjoy. Even when I was in Poland last year, I bought some beads and elastic because I wanted to make something. I haven't made anything in a long time, but I want to start creating things again.

Read - I'm halfway through or a quarter of the way through several books, and they need finishing. I also need to stop just reading It's Not Me, It's You over and over again, and read something else instead. At the moment, I have Mark Watson's Bullet Points and Once Vidas (AKA Eleven) to read, as well as the Spanish translation of A Thousand Splendid Suns (this one was a present from my dad, I'm not sure if it was to cheer me up as he gave me it during a pretty crappy time, or just because he liked the book).

General admin - Stop worrying about results day, do that backing-up of files, finish organising drawers, make a plan for continuing with Swedish

So, that's what I want to accomplish throughout August. What are your targets and plans for over the summer?

Thanks for reading :)


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